Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung

BBSR publications

On this webpage, you will find publications on transnational cooperation of the BBSR and of the responsible German Federal Ministry.

The publications are only partly available as downloads. In the remaining cases, the links will lead to relevant addresses where to order the publications.

For the Interreg B Journal issues, please have a look at Journal.

The Research News inform two times per year about the BBSR's research activities and results:
BBSR website

Implementation of the territorial agenda 2030 - Joining Forces for Rural Areas. Individual publication, ed.: BMWSB, 2023
BBSR website

Atlas for the Territorial Agenda 2030. Maps on European Territorial Development. BMI Publication, ed.: BMI, Berlin, December 2020 (in English, German, French)
BBSR website

Territoriale Agenda 2030. Informal meeting of Ministers responsible for Spatial Planning and Territorial Development and/or Territorial Cohesion, 1 December 2020, Germany (in English, German, French etc.)
Territorial Agenda 2030 website

Gleichwertigkeit in Europa - zwischen Unzufriedenheit und Zusammenarbeit (Equivalent living conditions in Europe - between dissatisfaction and cooperation). Informationen zur Raumentwicklung 3/2019, ed.: BBSR, Bonn 2019 (with English and German articles)
BBSR website

Experience of European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC). Praxis Issue 8/2017, ed. BMVI, Berlin, May 2017 (in English and German)
BBSR website

Impacts of Transnational Cooperation in Interreg B. BMVI Publication, ed.: BMVI, Berlin, May 2017 (in English and German)
BBSR website

Good Practice Guidelines for an Effective Implementation of Interreg B Projects. BMVI Publication, ed.: BMVI, Berlin, May 2017 (in English and German)
BBSR website

Measuring Interreg B Specific Impacts. BMVI Publication, ed.: BMVI, Berlin, May 2017 (in English and German)
BBSR website

Benefits of considering spatial interests in sectoral policies using the example of the Integrated Maritime Policy. MORO Forschung Heft 2, ed.: BMVI, November 2015 (in English and German)
BBSR website

Transnational Perspectives for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. BBSR special publication, ed.: BBSR, April 2015 (in English and German)

Transnational perspectives for green and blue growth. BBSR special publication, ed.: BBSR, July 2014 (in English and German)
BBSR website

Guideline for the establishment of an EGTC for stakeholders of transnational cooperation. BMVI publication, BMVI (ed.): Berlin, February 2014 (in English and German)
BBSR website

For a collection of German-language publications, please have a look at our German website: Publikationen des BBSR

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