Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung

Infographics and posters

On this webpage please find infographics and posters on transnational cooperation.

The following infographics and posters are provided as printable pdf files and as png files for powerpoint presentations etc.

Terms of use:
The infographics and posters are the property of the BBSR. They may be used free of charge as long as their source is correctly and completely cited. The copyright notice must be visible and the infographics and posters be completely depicted.

All figures are in German.

General infographics

Overview of Interreg programmes (Source: BBSR)

Übersicht Interreg-Programme
(Overview of Interreg programmes)

Download (PDF, 392KB, File meets accessibility standards)

Download (png, 96KB, File does not meet accessibility standards)

Application process (Source: BBSR)

Interreg B: Von der Projektidee zur Förderung
(Interreg B: from a project idea to funding)

Download (PDF, 1MB, File meets accessibility standards)

Download (png, 288KB, File does not meet accessibility standards)

Poster 30 years of Interreg

Poster 30 years of Interreg (Source: BBSR)

Poster (6 pieces)
Download (PDF, 6MB, File meets accessibility standards)

File formats to print DIN A0 posters with or without bleed area can be requested from interreg@bbr.bund.de.

The following diagrams are part of the poster file above:

Development of Interreg 1990 – 2020 (Source: Interact, German translation by the BBSR)

Entwicklung Interreg 1990 – 2020
(Development of Interreg 1990 – 2020)
Download (PDF, 80KB, File meets accessibility standards)

Download (png, 90KB, File does not meet accessibility standards)

Number of projects according to programming periods (Source: BBSR Interreg B database)

Anzahl der Projekte nach Förderperioden
(Number of projects according to programming periods)
Download (PDF, 110KB, File meets accessibility standards)

Download (png, 52KB, File does not meet accessibility standards)

Projects according to topics (Source: BBSR Interreg B database)

Projekte nach Themenfeldern
(Projects according to topics)
Download (PDF, 90KB, File meets accessibility standards)

Download (png, 110KB, File does not meet accessibility standards)

Project partners according to countries (Source: BBSR Interreg B database)

Projektpartner nach Staaten
(Project partners according to countries)
Download (PDF, 100KB, File meets accessibility standards)

Download (png, 171KB, File does not meet accessibility standards)

Impacts of Interreg IV B (Source: own production of the BBSR based on Ramboll Management Consulting)

Wirkungen von Interreg IV B
(Impacts of Interreg IV B)
Download (PDF, 64KB, File meets accessibility standards)

Download (png, 192KB, File does not meet accessibility standards)

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