Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung

Economy, work, life

The economic and social transformation affects all cities and regions in Europe. Innovation and technology transfer, smart specialisation, industrial change and digitalisation are therefore just as important topics of transnational cooperation as the accessibility of education, labour markets, social services, culture and tourism.

How can cities and regions become more competitive, smart and inclusive with Interreg B?

Wortwolke Wirtschaft, Arbeit, Leben, Quelle: BBSR

We live in a digital transformation society. People in cities are experiencing how their neighbourhoods are becoming increasingly “smarter”: administrative processes can increasingly be handled online and production and coordination processes are increasingly being digitised in working life. Patients can be cared for “remotely” in rural areas. Not only people in the home office but also companies are able to gain a foothold in rural regions and to participate in life in the information society with good internet access. The opportunity to research or transform innovations into successful business models should not depend on the place of residence.

This digital transformation must be well-shaped so that the potentials - faster connections, better information bases, more efficient services, but above all more sustainability in work, life and leisure - can become effective for all citizens. The Interreg B programmes are well placed to address the challenges faced by regions and cities in shaping a digital, green and inclusive transformation:

  • Innovations for a climate-neutral and circular economy
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises as a source of innovation
  • Digitisation and orientation towards the common good
  • Accessible, inclusive and functioning labour markets

The topic “a more competitive and smarter Europe” will be funded by all six transnational programmes with German participation with partly different priorities in the current 2021 – 2027 funding period. All programmes support the development of innovation capacities and competences among public and private actors. The focus is on the regional development approach and the transfer of innovation as well as on the implementation of innovative solutions. The North-West Europe and Danube Region Programmes also support measures in the field of “a more social Europe”.

More information

For good examples of the topic “economy, work, life”, please have a look at Projekte (in German).

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